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Magnus Enell

Magnus Enell

Magnus Enell has been working in the environmental area for decades, and within the sustainability and Corporate (Social) Responsibility (CR) areas since the mid-90s. Magnus holds an Adjunct Professorship at the International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE), Lund University, Sweden, where he is the bridge between research and business. Since August 2008 Magnus is Senior Advisor at Vattenfall Power Consultant AB, with sustainable strategies and business values linked to CR as the field of competence. In August 2009, he published the book "Environmental communication and sustainable development – strengthen the brand name and create business value" ("Miljökommunikation och hållbar utveckling: stärk ditt varumärke och skapa affärsnytta", SIS Förlag).

Magnus Enell

Magnus Enell


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Pyydä tarjous

Tee varaus tai pyydä lisätietoa puhujista - saat ehdotukset jo samana työpäivänä! Varaa puhuja sekä online- että livetilaisuuksiin. Lomakkeen lähetys ei sido mihinkään.

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